The Assamites date back to the time when the land of Nod flourished before the time of the great flood. Direct descendants of Cain eldest son of Adam, assam son of Cain. Vampires who have struggled to become the ruler and dominate clan of the jyhad. the clan chief assam who has lived over 10,000 years is one of the few antediluvians remaining out of the original 13. He is of the first brood created by the father Cain.
It is written that Lucifer out of fear that Diablo and his two brothers would steal his position as ruler of hell asked the one above to help him. the ruler above agreed that only Lucifer could rule hell for he placed him there too rule. and so it is written that Lucifer and the ruler above hired assam and his clan to destroy diablo and all of his underlings.
so the battle rages
to learn more about the history of assam
read the book of nod
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